Sunday, 12 August 2007

Comments for London Fields

As London Fields is essentially an archive of published writings, rather than a blog, I have disabled the comments.

However, if you wish to comment on any of the columns, please feel free to do so here


James McGalliard said...

Received via email in response to London Fields # 52

From Stefan Morris
I was reading your mag in the Northcote Social Club while supping a pint of Cascade. Finishing my pint I came across the last column 'London Fields'. As an expat Londoner I who relocated to Thornbury in 2007 I reckon Ive got the gen on my manor. James McGallard writes like a typical starry eyed antipodean 'journo' living in the East End. Like reading a tourist's diary.

Let me bullet point the omissions of fact.

A. The public transport system is expensive, overcrowded and dangerous. The 'Oyster' card is used for tracking journeys and compiling personal information on passengers. The night buses are for those with an 'adventurous' spirit sometimes called a deathwish. Between 2006 and 2007 40,000 violent incidents were reported by drivers.

B. The NHS is not underfunded it has had 43 billion GBP thrown at it by Nulabour most going on pay increases to doctors, nurses and consultants with no overall improvement in services. On the contrary wards are closing, MRSA incidents are increasing and the overwhelming tide of uncontrolled immigration from countries within the EU and third world countries has created further stress on the outdated system. Read:

C. The BBC. Publicly funded. Yes. You own a TV it costs 135GBP per annum on penalty of imprisonment. A small price to pay if you enjoy a unashamedly biased left wing, anti semitic, pro muslim fundamentalist, PC, propoganda arm of NuLabor staffed by privately educated middle class whites with no answerabilty to the public. The fact it operates as a commercial enterprise and raises further revenue from customers to view its cable stations and then uses the profits to set up a pro Islamic TV to compete with Al-Jazeera speaks volumes on its agenda.

D. The Guardian and the Independent are the printed versions of BBC. In fact most of the staff at BBC are ex-Guardian employees. But if you are a white apologist, chardonnay socialist then why bother with the other point of view offered by the other papers if its uncomfortable.

James is fortunate. He can sling his hook return home to big it up with his mates in Melbourne pubs like the Northcote Social Club when London bites him in his Aussie arse.

Im watching you mate.

Regards, Stefan

Anonymous said...

dont worry James, Stefan is a pommie dill who thinks he knows it all